Thursday, February 10, 2011


We've been searching for another eye doctor since we moved. We like the one we have, who was recommended to us, but the time it takes to get to the office is not only long, but unpredictable. It's only about 3 miles away, but it takes almost an hour to get there. It's not on the metro line, so we have to drive. Early morning is very difficult because of rush hour, so we try to make the first appointment after lunch. The problem is, is that the physician office building is located right next to a major medical center, PLUS the Children's Hospital, PLUS the VA grounds. It reminds me of the major medical center in our old neighborhood that we intentionally avoided, unless it was needed for a unique issue. We still want to find someone in the neighborhood, and need to try a little harder. If you have nothing else to do, and want to spend time  going to and from one point to another - in traffic with major construction delays - this is the place for you!
A huge medical center campus-
a great place for trauma & emergency care

It's only 3 miles away but takes an hour to get there

But an interesting ride along the way

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