Sunday, February 6, 2011


My faith in mankind has been restored, at least for today. We received an email from a neighbor in the building notifying us that he thought he had seen a package with our name on it, but noticed a few minutes later that it had disappeared. He was concerned, because he thought we were out of town and was just checking in with us to let us know. Luckily, it did turn up. This is the same neighbor who frequently monitors that the entry doors are closed because very careless people never bother to see that the door not only closes but also shuts behind them. These half open doors make it very convenient for critters (and other unwanted pests of the human kind) easy access to the building. It's nice to know there are still people out there who are just as concerned as we are about the little things in life. We had such wonderful neighbors in our old neighborhood and have maintained that relationship. It's not something that should ever be taken for granted. Good neighbors can be very hard to come by.
Sometimes it really is nice to know your neighbors

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