Sunday, June 5, 2011

Kindle Adapter Wire

We got our Kindle about 3 years ago- primarily for my husband. It's been on a few trips and has kept him company while he waits for our grandson on the playground after school. We have downloaded the Wall Street Journal on it for friends who are visiting, but it's not used that often. I have my IPad and IPhone, and since the New Yorker is available on the IPad now, the Kindle is really the next best thing. It's been a while since it was charged up. We store the adapter cord in the TV cabinet. When my husband pulled out the cord and attached it to the Kindle, it essentially fell apart in his hands. The wire was exposed, and it was immediately disconnected from the wall socket. We know the TV throws off a lot of hot air (like some people we know) but we have never experienced the plastic on a cord falling apart quite like this. So, if you have a power cord for your Kindle, don't keep it is a plastic bag in the TV cabinet that is exposed to a lot of hot air from the flat screen TV. Speaking of TVs, we went from a first generation 50 inch plasma flat screen TV in Milwaukee to a 40 inch LCD flat screen TV here. Since the room is a lot smaller, a smaller screen was reasonable.... but, I guess that is all relative. I love electronics and gadgets, but only when they are working!
Off to Best Buy for a replacement

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