Thursday, December 15, 2011

Government Shutdown - Again?

Since last April, the Federal workforce has been threatened with the potential of a government shutdown. The first time was rather scary- because it felt imminent, and a lot of my co-workers were talking about it. Administrative staff spent a lot of time making sure policies were prepared in the event it actually happened- and it never did. The second time was just a couple months ago, and I lost my enthusiasm about even finding out about it. This time is literally a joke. No one even talks about it. I have never heard of such nonsense. In the private sector, this sort of thing just would not happen- or you would go out of business. We are already in the third month of the new fiscal year that started in October- and do not have an approved budget in place. It really balls up normal operating procedures... does anyone really care?
Let's get this show on the road once and for all

A few days off (for me) wouldn't be so bad

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