Sunday, December 4, 2011

Smithsonian Castle

As we walk along the Mall, the museums are generally cluttered with visitors. But one item stands out from the rest because of its sheer size and construction- and doesn't usually have the traffic the other places do. It's the Smithsonian Castle and gardens. The landscape changes with the seasons, and the Christmas wreaths have been hung on all the old lamp posts. There are exhibits inside, but we have most often stopped in during a hot summer day, or after a walk to get a soda and sit for awhile. One year there were Olympic medals from the winter games that were on display. If it weren't for Mr. Smithson, things would not be the same on this patch of land. It is amazing that so much green space has been maintained for everyone to walk, play, or whatever for a very reasonable price- free.
Not a lot of "castles" in the US
The Smithsonian Gardens and Fountain

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