Thursday, February 16, 2012

Hotel Allgonquin and Tilley the Pooch

Since I've been working at the Library, I have come in contact with folks outside of my department via my afternoon walks. Some folks are friendlier than others, and after seeing the same faces regularly, some choose to strike up a conversation. One of them is Bill, who works in the Congressional Research Services. I informed him last week of my New Yorker Tilley contest win, and he brought me a present today. Apparently this is a well known fact, but I didn't know anything about it, but I was sure my husband would have a better idea- and he did.  The Hotel Algonquin is a place where New Yorker writers gather to hob nob, or maybe have round table discussions. I found out that in the past, writers could have a free night stay if they left a signed copy of their book(s); that struggling writer's could get a lunch discount; and that there is always a stray cat by the name of Mathilda or Hamlet allowed to prowl about since the 30's. How much of this is true today I do not know. But the idea that someone would be so thoughtful as to connect me and my "Tilley the Pooch" with all those interesting folks is remarkable. You never know who you might run in to, and they come from the most unexpected places. And that's what I like so much about working at the Library!
We think we've actually been by it

Looks like Tilley the dandy

Looks like the old days

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