Saturday, May 12, 2012

The National Cathedral Bishop's Garden

Right next to St. Albans is the National Cathedral. And tucked in between is the Bishop's Garden. It was designed by Frederic Law Olmsted, Jr. as a garden of the Bishop of Washington's residence. It is enclosed by a high stone wall, and is on a steep hill. Some of the stone was quarried from George Washington's Creek quarry. It is all very Medieval looking. The plans were not carried actually out until the early 1900's. It is a very pleasant walk through the grounds. We happened upon it when we visited the Cathedral's May Flower Mart Festival. I had an acre of land in Milwaukee to plant and garden. Here in DC, we have a very small patio, with just enough space to plant some vegetables, flowers, and perennials. In fact, the older I'm getting the less garden space I need. Near here is Monticello, with fabulous gardens. But the city itself is filled with wonderful gardens and fountains, and everything grows here. They say that if you do not have allergies before you come to live in DC, you will definitely have them within five years. So far I have been lucky not to have that problem. Let's see how next year goes.

A steep incline

A lot of visitors

I love hollyhocks, but have no luck

A very serene place

Many stone arches

And stone paths

Cathedral back drop

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