Sunday, July 21, 2013

Return From Vacation Blues and the Sneaky Cucumber

Whenever we return from vacation, short or long, time of day, day of week, my husband must empty the suitcases and check the mail and do the wash before settling down. So was the case when we arrived at Dulles from Heathrow to our house around 10 PM last night. In the end it is a great idea to get everything put away. I'm still trying to figure out what time of the day it is. I do know when we left our vegetable garden was just beginning to thrive. With all the heat and thunderstorms, we were sure it would probably do something while we were away. I also knew that there was more than likely a cucumber hiding out there that would be a monster after nine days. This morning, my husband found the huge thing in the very messy, overgrown garden. We much prefer the tiny cucumbers because they not only look good, they taste better. Once they get to this stage, they look bad, and aren't as tasty. Right now I am about to take a nap, but there are so many things to do! But I suppose that is the trade off for going away. It makes me appreciate what I have, but also makes me think how much I prefer a routine. I have a feeling that cucumber would have stayed hidden out there even if we didn't go anywhere. I'm just too tired to look for any more of them. 

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