Sunday, December 29, 2013

A Visit to Thailand

Right before my birthday a couple of weeks ago, our friend left on a trip to Thailand that would last through the Christmas holiday. Good for her because she would certainly have an enchanting vacation with a friend of hers from California, sad for us because she would not be here for Christmas. We have taken a few trips together... Overseas to Iran and England, along with several local day trips around the DC area like Monticello and Montpelier. So she promised to keep us updated on her whereabouts and she did, faithfully sending several photos of the adventure throughout the duration. Her take on the scenery and overall cultural aspects is always filled with humor and eloquence, including a personal shopper experience. I'm not a big overseas travel person, and prefer going to a place that we know someone - and luckily we have relatives and friends in places like Iran, England, Denmark, Sweden, and perhaps even Australia in the near future. So for all those other places out there, she's a good person to know, and this is just one entertaining reason.  

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