Thursday, April 24, 2014

Guardian Angel on the Mall

My husband takes morning walks on the Mall. He starts by dropping me off at the Library, then continues up First Street to the Capitol. He then heads toward the Washington Monument, turns back past the Capitol up the big hill to the Supreme Court, and then home. Every once in a while he finds some interesting things. Most often there are pennies or dimes scattered around. A couple times it was cold hard cash...even a twenty dollar bill!  But most recently something was gleaming in the sunlight and caught his attention. It was a tiny angel pin filled with diamonds. I'm certain it is worth at least a few million. The cheap clasp on the back gives its true value away. I don't recall him being so "lucky" walking about the shores of Lake Michigan. I like the way he kiddingly tries to pass it off as a valuable piece. But I know somewhere out there is a little girl completely heartbroken at her loss. 

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