Saturday, May 3, 2014

A Really Great Day

After a lousy week of rain and dreariness, rude behavior, and losing my tiny Betta Fish Moby Dick to fish heaven, yesterday made up for it completely! Late on Thursday evening I received an email from Etsy that said one of my listings for custom cat portraits was getting a lot of traction in the stats. And it was! Soon after I had two requests for custom cat portraits. The views for the day almost reached 1000! One of my tiny fish instant digital download images sold last week and the person who bought it wrote a really nice feedback. Then DCBlogs noted my entry about rude behavior, and the stats on Blogger took off. An annoying problem in the condo building was finally being addressed, it was an absolutely beautiful day outside and I was off! But it doesn't end there. We went to Gingko's and got our annual tomato plant, a pea vine, and a digitalis plant. When we returned from lunch my Borzoi radar was on and we saw a young pup out in Garfield Park. Immediately we got out of the car to see her and the owner and inquire about it's background. We had a beautiful Borzoi in Milwaukee and absolutely love this breed and even have been thinking about getting another one. Just last week I painted three Borzoi portraits and enjoyed every minute of it. Then we went for our afternoon walk and decided it was a good time to visit my high school classmate that works in the Senate Office Building. I haven't seen her since high school and maybe one time more after college. It was so nice to see her again with the promise of having coffee or lunch. It's great to visit with people from your past and reconnect like it was yesterday. So my husband kiddingly asked what did he get out of all of this? Osmosis...It doesn't take much to make us feel good about things and for that I'm sincerely grateful. 

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