Friday, May 22, 2015

Smart Solar Bird Bath Battery Replacement

On our little patio garden is a birdbath nestled in among the hydrangea that are about to bloom, and assorted annuals that are in full bloom - and a digitalis that surprisingly returned this year. We've had the birdbath for quite some time and have replaced the battery pack once for the fountain to work from the solar panel. Since it only bubbles in the sunlight, we decided to get a battery saver option the last go round in case we wanted to hear the gurgling in the later part of the day. We never used it, so when the battery died just a week ago, it seemed much too quiet to go without some kind of replacement. So we ordered up another solar panel and battery pack. It arrived this week and we were eager to test it out. As soon as it hit the sunlight the battery was in motion and waiting to get in to the water. The biggest decision was to figure out which spout we wanted to use - the one stream up or the spray all around. The one stream up looked nice so we'll give it a go. Now this afternoon I need to get out there and whack down all the overgrowth that has taken over the space - the very hot days we've experienced this spring were also unexpected. Everything is so overgrown it's looking a but messy. But it is a lot easier to take care of compared to the one acre, several gardens, and multiple bird baths, houses, and feeders we had in Milwaukee. Things on a smaller scale are looking better and better all the time. Replacing the battery is worth every penny.

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