Monday, June 1, 2015

I'll Follow the Sun - I Mean SHADE!

Every Monday morning we walk to the Mall and Capitol grounds. But lately it has been unusually warm for this time of year, and most of the walk on the Mall is in direct sunlight. And since I am not an early riser, the only other choice is to stay out of the sun and find some shade. With that in mind, our walk took us in another direction. As we were making our way north through the neighborhood towards Union Station, I remembered the Beatle's song "I'll follow the Sun" - but that's exactly what we didn't want to do. Since the homes, businesses, government buildings and landmarks around here are all three, four, and more stories tall, it's actually pretty easy to stay in the shade. And it makes a huge difference in such humid weather, with a light breeze blowing by every once in awhile. We started out about 10 AM and ended up at Pete's, our favorite breakfast/lunch spot, at 11 AM after stopping off at a bench - in the shade - to decompress and do some pigeon watching. I told the mail woman I liked her umbrella hat, a must have clothing article - like my wide brimmed hat. My husband used to walk in the subfreezing, icy sidewalks of Milwaukee. We got quite a bit of that last winter here. I'm not sure which one is worse. I suppose in winter it is better to follow the sun, but for the next few months, I'm looking for shade. 

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