Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Barns and Farms of Pennsylvania

The landscape definitely changes from Maryland, to Ohio, to Indiana. Our last day driving home from Milwaukee was cloudy and rainy. This was the first time we drove to Milwaukee and back since we moved to DC nine years ago. On the first day, we had to stop at the Subaru dealer to get the exhaust pipe repaired. Our Subaru is eleven years old, but we want to see how long we can keep it going. The rain came and went this day, and the Allegheny mountains were spectacular. It's the farms and barns that got my attention. Some of them were so scenic and picturesque. There seemed to be more red than any other color. And there were signs for dairy farms, different from the other states. All of them had windmills, something not quite so obvious ten years ago. The land was not flat around here, we were on the turnpike rather than the interstate, and thank goodness we had I pass - the same mechanism on the windshield that we got in Illinois all those years ago. It's hard to believe the trip is over because it feels like we were just planning it. But as long as we are able to drive around we intend to continue doing it. I love looking around and taking photos and my husband likes to drive. It's the perfect combination until he needs to get in a nap. But it's well worth the extra time to get from point A to B. 

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