Saturday, February 27, 2016

Home Depot Universal Korky Toilet Flappers

When we lived in Milwaukee, I know we had problems with the house. The only difference is we also had a wonderful handyman who lived within minutes and fixed whatever the problem was. So we didn't need to think about it very much. Living here is a completely different story. Whenever we have a problem now, we try to fix it ourselves, which is rarely the case. We have to rely on someone else's suggestions, depending on the issue. Luckily, there is a building handyman who has helped us out quite a few times, and another who has done bigger jobs. A couple days ago the toilet flapper chain broke from the rubber part of the flapper. My husband and I rigged up a temporary fix until we could get to Home Depot today and find a replacement. Saturday is not a good day to go anywhere around here. The place was jammed, but we think we at least found what we needed. Now we will wait until the temporary fix breaks and change the part. I only hope the universal Korky flapper works, as it suggests. But nothing is ever that simple around here. 

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