Friday, June 10, 2016

Williams Sonoma Apilco Replacement

When we moved to DC ten years ago, we left everything behind because none of it would fit in to our tiny space here. That included the china. We had a beautiful set that usually was housed in the dining room cabinet and another set for every day that was in the kitchen. Since our son and his family lived down the street in DC, we got enough Apilco plates and bowls for four to begin with, and then six once we were here a bit. Because they had the same plain white dinnerware, we could borrow extra pieces if we ever needed it. And we did need it a few times. Well, a couple of the bowls are quite chipped so it was time to finally get replacement pieces. And since our son and his family don't live here anymore, our ability to borrow items no longer exists. So after lunch we drove over to Williams-Sonoma in Alexandria and got two more bowls. I suppose it is worth maintaining our tiny set of dishes especially if we ever have at least six people here for dinner at one time. That doesn't happen that often, but it's better to be prepared than embarrassed. 

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