Thursday, October 5, 2017

Olive Oil on Stainless Steel

We recently had our tiny condo outfitted with a new backsplash in the kitchen. Once the backsplash was added, my husband was not happy with the worn look and old color of the kitchen cabinets. So we decided to update the space and have the cabinets painted. Along with the cabinets, the old worn drop leaf table would also be painted the same color. We are half way through the project and decided that the appliances also needed some attention. They were also run down and had lost their original stainless steel shimmer. I just read somewhere that a tiny drop of olive oil could bring the shine out on anything stainless. I am usually skeptical about things like that, but thought we had nothing to lose. So after wiping all the appliances down, I touched them up with a bit of olive oil. It was really obvious where the oil was rubbed in and where it was not. Yes, it's not perfect, but it sure looks so much nicer than it did. Since the table is not in the room it doesn't yet look complete. But we are happy with the results so far. Let's hope it lasts for awhile. 

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