Monday, December 18, 2017

Feathered Friends at the Enchanted Pond

Whenever we visit Florida my husband always has to make a visit to see his favorite place. It is a few blocks from the house where I grew up. We used to take our bamboo fishing rods and bread balls there in search of fish, but were usually disappointed. And when we did catch something, we threw it back immediately. Now the place is filled with all kinds of birds. And there is an island in the center where they can escape. I think by now we have been to the pond every season and time of the day. On this visit we arrived earlier in the morning and the water fowl were just waking up. It was quieter than usual. There was much less enthusiasm from the long beaked white birds searching for food. I think they have our number because they always come up empty handed around us. There is something peaceful about the place as it is now a sanctuary. In fact I don't think you are suppposed to give the birds anything to eat, but they don't know that. So we drove around the pond a couple of times and checked out as much as we could. All the neighbors who live there ignore it all completely. I am certain we will visit there again. It's just something you don't want to miss. 

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