Tuesday, April 17, 2018

CVS Digital Thermometer

It’s hard to believe someone still has a mercury thermometer. But we do - or should I say - did, until last week. My husband wasn’t feeling well and went to take his temp, only to drop the glass tube and it broke. Everyone should have some kind of thermometer in the house. I checked the App Store to see if there was an app for that without luck for our purpose. So the next day on our morning walk we went in the other direction towards CVS. Obviously a digital thermometer was what we needed. There were several to pick from and we ended up with the cheapest one. There were gadgets there for fifty dollars that you can connect with an app so you can keep track of things over time. It was overkill for our maybe once a year requirement. So now we have a digital thermometer for the next incident. I’m hoping we will never have to use it, but if we do I’m also hoping the battery will still work. 

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