Thursday, October 4, 2018

Iron Patches from Oregon

Since we are both retired our wardrobe looks much different than it did. The work clothes were either pushed to the back of the closet or donated. Because we walk every morning rain or shine, the outdoor clothing options increased to cover just about any circumstance. Before, if a pair of jeans were starting to wear down, my husband would buy another pair. Now, he uses iron on patches to keep the worn area from getting worse. After all, if you’re just walking around the neighborhood or sitting around the house you could argue - what difference does it make? So the last time I was doing a routine Amazon order for household items, my husband reminded me to get him his patches in anticipation for the next time. The blue patches came all the way from Bend, Oregon from what looks to be a mom and pop shop called Iron Patches. I’m not really sure if they will ever be used as I think my husband deserves a decent pair of pants. He eventually comes to that conclusion too. In the meantime his patches will be available just in case. 

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