Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Apple iPad Repair Request

Last Friday I opted to request a repair of my mom’s iPad. She passed away in February and we had swapped her old iPad for a newer edition a couple of years ago. When I updated it to the latest operating system, it stopped working. I tried everything, including talking with the techs, trying to get it back to ground zero, etc and nothing brought it back. Once I placed the order, I got an email from Apple about the next steps and what to expect. Yesterday in the mail I received the box to send the iPad along with instructions on preparing the iPad and where to drop it off. It needs to be charged and the SIM card needs to be removed, then put in a protective envelope and in to the padded box. I added a note with more details about the problem because “doesn’t start” didn’t seem quite enough. This afternoon we will take a walk over to FedEx for an overnight delivery to Pennsylvania. It’s a good excuse to stretch our legs and get this task accomplished. I’ll be able to follow the progress along the way. Hopefully this will be a painless and successful experience. It’s cheaper to repair this ipad rather than buy a new mini for my husband. His mini is quite old with a cracked screen that can’t be used anymore because it has “ghost strokes.” So far, so good. Let’s see how the next 5-10 day business turnaround goes. 

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