Sunday, July 12, 2020

Hekyll and Jekyll

At first, we welcomed the company and it was a source of entertainment while we were confined to the house since March. The crows would land on the balcony rails and promenade. That was before we put out a couple of hanging planters. Then we discovered that some of the mulch was missing and the plants looked disturbed - only to discover that the crows were storing their stash and making a mess. When we sit outside on the balcony, you can hear them jeering at us, and flying back and forth landing very close to where we are. One day, one of the crows landed about three feet from me. It was a weird stare down. Within minutes, the other crow was sitting right next to my husband’s head. Did you ever see the movie “The Birds?” It was the oddest feeling to think the crow would attack. This week, one crow was sitting on the railing “eying” a bag that we put our cloth masks in to roast in the sunshine. If I didn’t open the door and scare him off I think he would have taken it. We are starting to call them Hekyll and Jekyll. Though I don’t know for sure, they are a consistent pair that roam the balconies of our building. You can watch them flying from one end to the other “hiding” things, then returning to eat whatever it was. As long as they keep their distance I don’t mind. But it’s getting a bit too personal. 

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