Saturday, December 9, 2017

Snowing in Washington DC

As is the case every Saturday, we drive to McLean Virginia. We have breakfast at McLean Family Restaurant and then go grocery shopping at the Safeway across the street. They know us so well at the restaurant we hardly need to order! So today our typical twenty minute ride looked very different than the many we have taken over the last several months. It was snowing this morning and everything was grey and dreary compared to sunny and golden just a week ago. Having moved to DC from the Midwest eleven years ago we certainly are quite familiar with this white stuff. But it was one of the main reasons we left that cold and frigid place. I really don't like it - especially if you need to be somewhere. I suppose now that I am retired it would be different living in ice and snow - particularly when we think of all the wonderful people we know there. It makes our hearts warm just remembering them all! But all it takes is one little slip on the ice. The only thing that's remotely nice is that it looks pretty sitting inside the warm house and makes the holiday more meaningful at this time of year. But I'll take the sunshine and warm temperatures any day. 

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