Saturday, August 21, 2021

Library of Congress Pillars of Democracy Program

It was an opportunity to do something we used to do every few weeks - go to a program at the Library of Congress. I worked at the library for ten years. During that time my husband would join me over lunch hours, or after work hours to attend all sorts of interesting talks. When I retired from the library, we still went. When we moved to northern Virginia it took longer to get there, but we enjoyed the ride. Sometimes we would stop at Hawk and Dove for dinner before returning home. Since the pandemic, we have only attended one virtual program around Persian new year. I get emails and Facebook reminders about programs, and last week one caught my eye about the “Pillars of the Presidency.” So I signed us up and a zoom link was sent the day before and the day of to remind us when it was. I mirrored my iPad to the tv so we watched comfortably from the couch. It even felt at times like we were really there. The program lasted over an hour but it was enjoyable - because we hadn’t seen one for so long, and it was interesting. We used to hear a lot of Middle Eastern subjects but they aren’t as plentiful as before. It’s obviously not the same thing as going to the beautiful Jefferson building, but it’s the next best thing. 

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