Monday, June 15, 2020

Chinese Fortunes

My husband is the roadrunner; I am Wiley Coyote. We are very different in just about every way. He likes sunrise; I like sunset. He prefers turkey dark meat; I like turkey white meat. He has to know the meaning of every word; I just need to have a vague understanding. He analyzes a problem to the nth degree; I would rather have someone else figure it out. He loves to cook; I hate it. He does all the talking; I do all the listening. He likes cookies; I prefer cake. He is happy go lucky; I am a worrier. He gets up very early; I like to stay up late and get up late. He is optimistic; I’m a cup half empty kind of mindset. He hardly sat through any class and aced every exam he ever took; I was studying in the library every night and was quite average. He can speak two languages fluently and another two quite well; I can hardly speak one. The list could go on and on. The only thing I can say is that we are extremely compatible - on all the big items. All the other stuff is essentially “complimentary” and makes life interesting. When we ordered in Chinese food the other day we got four fortune cookies. For whatever reason, the fortunes always match him perfectly. One said “a merry heart makes a cheerful countenance,” and the other said “you are an exciting and inspiring person.” Both are very true. Mine said “the night life is for you,” and “you will receive a high prize or award.” If they meant I like to stay up late - okay. But I dislike being out at night. As for receiving a high prize or award? I doubt it. Maybe I will give that second one a couple of days to materialize. It’s too bad my husband didn’t get that fortune - it would have come true. 

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