Friday, June 17, 2022

Morning Walk on Capitol Hill

Our main purpose for driving in to DC was to buy a small plant to replace the one that died after many years. We bought the original plant at Ginkgo Gardens - our go to place when we lived on Capitol Hill. My husband nursed that plant every day. It’s amazing how long it lasted. We parked near the store but first took a walk around the neighborhood. In spite of the ninety degree temperatures, we stayed on the shaded side of the streets to avoid the direct sunshine. That’s what we used to do when we lived there - walk north and south and try to avoid east and west. The first interesting item was the grim reaper hiding in the lower level entryway. We headed towards eighth street and the Marine barracks that have been there since Thomas Jefferson’s time. Many of the restaurants have remained, but a few have also closed. But what I always liked the most about our walks here were the townhomes and row houses. But more than that the gardens were always so appealing. We missed the wisteria this year and many of the gardens remain unkempt. But a few looked pleasant enough. The heat certainly makes the city move in slow motion. We feel for all of the road workers renovating Pennsylvania Avenue. It was really a delightful walk and always brings back the good memories of living in this neighborhood. 

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