Thursday, January 21, 2016

Thank You David Bowie and Alan Rickman

One of my favorite movies was Sense and Sensibility because of Alan Rickman. One of my favorites songs was Let's Dance because of David Bowie. It was really sad to see them both go. Maybe because they were not a whole lot older than me, and the inevitable starts to sound more real. That, and the passing of my father in June, started to weigh on me - BUT - also helped me make one of the most important decisions of my life. After over thirty years in healthcare and another ten years at the Library of Congress, I turned in my resignation to retire in two weeks! I found out I was eligible at the beginning of the month, and since then haven't stopped thinking about it. I have never met anyone who retired before me say they wished they were still working. So, I am looking forward to this grand adventure, and hope I can continue to feel the way I do now - giddy, happy, and professionally accomplished. Thank you Alan and David for helping me decide a little sooner than later. 

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