Monday, April 24, 2023

52Frames Blue Hour Weekly Photo Challenge

I wasn’t very enthusiastic about the 52Frames photo challenge last week because it boxes you in to a specific time frame. It was the “blue hour” - the time right before sunrise or right after sunset. We usually like to go in to town for our morning walk and try to find something there. But I don’t get up that early in the morning and we don’t like driving around at night - so I was limited to our balcony. At least it faces west which helps a bit. It was actually very warm last week, and it was wonderful that we could sit out after dinner and have tea and dessert waiting for just the right scene. But that also meant that a cloudless sky was not very engaging. At least there was a crescent moon and Venus, but they were so tiny in the evening sky. Every once in a while a plane would fly in to Dulles airport but at quite a distance away. So I tried to make the most of it. I must have taken at least fifty photos but wasn’t particularly thrilled with any of them. I tried editing a bit and added in a touch of “chromatic aberration” using my Procreate app. Rather than leaving the image with the lighting at hand, an interesting light field was created. In the end my husband liked one image in particular so that was the one that was submitted. I don’t think this image will garner any accolades, but at least I can say I haven’t broken my streak and look forward to this week. 

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