Sunday, January 19, 2014

Smithsonian Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden

I'm not at all any kind of art connoisseur, or even claim to be. I never took a class in art history. But I do like to dabble in digital art and create custom portraits. I have close to 70 images hanging on the "gallery wall" at the Wagtime Shop across from the historic Navy Yard. I do know if I like how something looks when we walk in to any museum, but I rarely read anything about the pieces or the artists. I prefer to scan the environment and admire the things I find interesting and pleasing to the eye. When we started out on our walk along the Mall this afternoon we didn't plan to stop by the Hirshhorn Museum Sculpture Garden. But it was there looking pretty empty and so we decided to check it out. We have been through it before, and it looks very different depending on the season. Everything was pretty grey until we were leaving and the sun came out. The closest thing I came to doing sculpture was creating paper mâché creatures from balloons. I have a lot of respect for artists, but honestly don't "get" a lot of it. When we took walks in Wisconsin, we were no where near this sort of thing. But sometimes nature presents the most beautiful images, and there was a lot of that. 

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