Friday, June 27, 2014

The Early Girl Tomato Plant on the Patio Garden

It was one of the first things we planted this year...Early Girl Tomatoes. Rather than go to American Plant in Bethesda, we decided to try Gingko's in the neighborhood a few weeks back. We usually go to Gingko's because it is close and they usually have what we are looking for, but for some reason, we never noticed their vegetable selection. It started out as nearly a one foot plant with a tomato already on it. Now it sits in the usual space on the patio garden that gets a southern exposure will full sun until about three PM when the building hides us from the brightness and creates a wonderful evening space for chatting and sipping wine. Now the plant is taller than me and has reached the top of the supports. The heat and the monsoons have spurred it on. So it is starting to grow over the supports and back down again. Just this week we noticed a ripening tomato, and many more to come. Unfortunately they will probably all come at the same time. My husband will need to set up a vegetable stand on the corner and sell them because we won't be able to handle them all at one time. I do miss the cucumbers this year though. They had a way of sneaking around and showing up out of nowhere. Our garden in Milwaukee had all the same plants and more. But there is something about having this tiny space to live in and still be able to have everything we used to but on a much smaller scale. And it is so much easier to take care of, and just as delicious! 

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