Saturday, October 5, 2024

Knee and Foot Support Devices

It feels like it’s been months - and it has been. I have what I think is plantar fasciitis that started on both feet in June. Luckily one foot resolved but the other just won’t quit. I’ve been doing PT, ice massage, taping, new shoes, support braces, etc and nothing seems to work. Then to make matters worse about six weeks ago I fell on a very hard sidewalk in DC and landed on my left side. My knee has never been the same and my hip was also affected. The city and park service were notified of the very uneven sidewalk, but that doesn’t help the discomfort. So now I am wearing a knee brace and compression socks and I am going out of my mind. If things don’t finally get better an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon may be necessary. The trouble is is that there was one day this week that I was almost pain free and was walking a lot without incident. Then yesterday I sat too fast and hard on the couch and loosened up whatever is the problem again. I’ve been staying away from Advil but could literally take something almost every day. I tried an herbal heat patch but it smelled so bad I threw the rest away. I’m a big fan of heating pads but that was just awful. And at night I am extremely careful moving my leg and knee. Yesterday I was so tired of the tape and splint on my foot I just removed them all. Too much pressure on the leg causes swelling and having something tight around your leg isn’t a good thing.  Can’t even get a legitimate pair of compression stockings on because I can’t bend my knee and apply too much pressure. But the knee still needs support - both physically and psychologically. It’s all really quite uncomfortable. 

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