Sunday, August 6, 2023

Difficult Run Trails Morning Walk

We pass by them all of the time. There are several parking lots along Georgetown Pike that lead to trails and parks. So last week we decided to try out three of them - Riverbend, Scott’s Run, and Difficult Run Stream. The weekly photo challenge was “water” so that was another reason to try out these places. The last of the three was probably the least favorite. We parked in the Difficult Run Stream with a few other cars. There were two directions to take so we started at one end. We really prefer the urban jungle to the real jungle for a lot of reasons. We aren’t really the out doorsy types and prefer flat surfaces to steep inclines, rocks, bugs and wild greenery. The path along the branch of the Potomac River was quite narrow and we were being brushed up by all of the wild foliage about us. Then we came upon a group of children who were in the water - luckily being supervised by two adults. Even with all of the signage to stay out of the water no one seems to abide by it. So we trekked along the path for a bit until we got bored and turned around. When we hit the parking lot again we took the path going the opposite way and it was no better. I think perhaps we had had enough of the wilderness for one week. I mistakenly left on the Cornell lab Merlin bird ID app that captures sounds of birds and tells you what it is. We were surprised to see that there were several birds that we had not heard in our neighborhood park including the red eyed vireo, Acadian flycatcher, hairy woodpecker, and  Louisiana waterthrush. So if nothing else that was worth the walk. Will we go back anytime soon? Probably not. 


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