Thursday, August 10, 2023

Miniature Roses Bloom Again!

We bought the tiny rose plant at the grocery store at least three years ago. If anyone ever told us that it would still be growing and blooming three years later we would have been surprised. But if my husband has anything to do with it, that’s the key to the success of this miniature rose plant. We don’t have a lot of plants - or anything - anymore since we moved to the condo in northern Virginia. We had a small patio garden in our Capitol Hill condo, and a few houseplants now. On the balcony there are three coco lined window baskets that we try to keep going with seasonal flowers. But the crows and other birds keep throwing the dirt around - tempting us to remove the planters after this season. But the one outdoor plant that remains is the miniature rose. We used to keep it in the house but it seems to thrive in the humidity and west side of the building that gets full sun. My husband waters it twice a day. Currently there are three blossoms, and one of the branches was just cut back this week. We anticipate that it will bloom once again this year. Last year we left the plant outside over winter and it still came back. My husband prefers to have very few things. But he takes care of them so well. 

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