Friday, October 16, 2015

Renew Costco Membership?

We joined Costco last November. We received a membership renewal notice and decided we better go at least one more time before the membership expires because we didn't think we would renew it. That would make three times we went to Costco since last year. We try to go in a less busy day and time of day, so we went yesterday around noon. We always start out on the housewares side, go though the clothes, over to the household products, and then to the groceries. It is simply amazing what we find along the way... Everything from HP ink, storage bins for the bathroom cupboard, electric toothbrushes, winter garb for around the house, olive oil in huge bottles, favorite cookies, frying pans, throw blankets, and fruit and cheese that we can't do without. There were both Christmas and Halloween decorations everywhere. We could easily spend more than the two hours of free parking in the place. When we left, we decided it was such a great savings to shop there, even if we go so infrequently. So we decided to renew our membership after all. It's only a short trip over the bridge to Arlington for us to travel, and well worth it. Now we just need to find more space for all this stuff in our tiny place in DC. 

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