Saturday, November 25, 2023

Finally! Jury Duty Payment

Right in the middle of my cataract surgery in August/September, I was so lucky to get a jury summons. Given our history of DC jury duty, I was less than thrilled. Between my husband and I it seemed we were in the courthouse every year. When we moved to northern Virginia I was sent a generic jury duty questionnaire that I knew at the time I would most likely end up getting served. And so it goes. I had to postpone it to October and was even more lucky to get stuck on a criminal case that lasted the whole week. My husband made it all the more nicer by driving me in and staying all day. I would meet him for lunch and we would walk. He would read and observe his surroundings. On the last day he wasn’t able to make it, so I was on my own for the day of deliberations. In the end it seemed like a big waste of time because the defendant was found not guilty for domestic violence, assault and battery and rape because there was just not enough solid evidence. It was a very draining experience both physically and psychologically. After six weeks, the jury duty check finally arrived in the mail for two hundred dollars. It seems there must be a better way of doing things. Considering all the people that are put out by this experience the budget for all of this is astronomical when you consider all of the jury cases going on every day of the year across the country - only to have this kind of end result. I am just so happy that they can’t ask me to serve anymore due to age restrictions. Yes, it was an interesting experience, but I don’t want to have another one like it. 

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