Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Retirement Second Year Anniversary

It just occurred to me that I have been retired for two years. All I know is that it feels a lot longer than that - but even better - I’m so glad I don’t have to go to work! I actually “retired” after thirty years in healthcare when we moved to DC from the Midwest twelve years ago. Another ten years working as a civil servant at the Library of Congress was an eye opener, as you can imagine! I still have connections to work via the employee art show and maintain a few friendships from there. My husband and I still attend programs of interest. One of the residents in our building works there and every once in awhile she has a get together at her place that includes the people in her office. I don’t know them but we have that common element of having worked at the same place. So I’ve taken the last two years to see what it’s like to actually live in DC rather than work in DC. We can’t seem to make up our minds about staying here or leaving to an even warmer climate. I guess it all boils down to what is most important. And on some days it makes moving very tempting given the constant problems and frustrations inherent in living in an urban environment. So until we make that decision about lifestyle and convenience, we aren’t going anywhere. But I’m very happy I don’t have to work in it anymore. 

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