Monday, May 4, 2020

Mom’s IPad

My mom passed away almost three months ago. I called her every week since I left home for college, and wrote millions of letters and cards in between. I got her a Presto machine that sent photos - it was a printer that printed whatever I sent to her printer address. When the iPad came along, I got her one - she was 90 and she took to it like a bird flies after a bit of apprehension. She always took on challenges and looked ahead. She loved looking at the photos, playing solitaire, and downloading and reading books - the large type helped because she had macular degeneration. When her first iPad couldn’t download books anymore, we got her another one three years ago. It was a bit more tricky to use and she would often call it “that stupid iPad” whenever it started acting up. She preferred the simpler version. When she passed away, I got her iPad. The first thing I did was update it to the newest operating system. Ever since then, it’s gone dead - literally. I’ve tried everything and nothing works. Since I can’t take it in to the Apple store, I looked to see what my options were. I was directed to the Apple site, selected the iPad I’m having a problem with, and picked the issue. It then gave an estimate of how much it would cost including shipping. They are supposed to send me a box to return to them with a promise to turn it around within 5-10 business days. I needed to remove the SIM card and remove any peripherals and covers. So now I’m waiting for the box in the hopes we can finally use mom’s iPad again. My husband’s mini has a cracked glass so he’s been using my really old and heavy iPad. Unfortunately my other iPad also died when up updated the operating system. It was used for all my digital art until I got an IpadPro last summer. Obviously the problem occurs when the operating system is updated to the latest and newest version all at once without the incremental updates in between. Neither mom’s nor mine was updated incrementally. Wouldn’t you know it happened during a pandemic when we need these devices more than ever. Luckily for us we have backups. It’s cheaper to get it repaired than to buy a new one. Time will tell if that actually is the case. Until that happens, I agree with mom and her “stupid iPad.”

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