Monday, May 23, 2022

52Frames Abstract

I think I should give up trying to be noticed in the weekly photo challenge. My skills are limited and my camera is an iPhone 8 Plus - not very good in the scheme of things. So until I finally get my hands on the next generation iPhone with a substantially better camera, the results will usually be mediocre. And that’s okay because the idea is to just get out of the house at least once a week and explore the possible options for a decent image based on a specific subject. And last week was “abstract.” It’s another topic that I didn’t really care for because I couldn’t focus on or figure out in my head what might work. So I tried a few shots around the house and nothing looked very impressive - water on the balcony glass table, and shooting underneath the glass top on the dining room table. So we drove in to town hoping to find something that would eventually turn in to something abstract. We started at the Hirshhorn museum of art and checked out the artwork draped around the building. In front of the Art and Industries building was a colorful “tree” of plastic pieces that were glimmering on to the sidewalk. Then we found some shriveled up magnolia leaves that looked interesting. But the prettiest place was in front of the Smithsonian American Indian Museum pond where a mom and her ducklings were having a delightful time in the safely enclosed pond. With the help of a filter all of the images improved, but the pond just looked pretty over the magnolia leaves that felt more like autumn than summer. So that’s the image that was selected this week. It looks more impressionistic, but the colors are delightful. 

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