Thursday, October 5, 2023

DC Jury Duty Summons

We are just so lucky! I got a summons - in the mail - for jury duty in August but I had to change the date because I was having cataract surgery. But I’m still stuck having to go next week. It is the first time either I or my husband have been called after moving to northern Virginia over four years ago. When we lived on Capitol Hill it wasn’t unusual to get jury summons almost every year - and both my husband and I spent more time in the court house then we care to talk about. We never ended up on a trial, but I almost did twice. At least in DC we could actually walk to the courthouse from home. It was so much easier. Yesterday my husband got a summons over email to report to the DC courthouse next month. This is the second time he has received a summons from DC since we moved. So we filled out the questionnaire and were eager to get a disqualified stamp of approval once we entered our Virginia address. That’s what happened the last time and it happened again this time. But this time we had to upload a copy of his drivers license to verify that he actually did live in Virginia. Thank goodness he isn’t stuck doing jury duty there or here. I was hoping they would quit sending summons to people after a certain age. I hope this is the last time I get called. But I have my doubts. 

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