Wednesday, April 9, 2014

An Eviction, a Homeowner, and a Cement Truck

There is never a dull moment in the neighborhood. I suppose one could describe our neighborhood block as a microcosm of the city at large. In the morning there was an eviction, complete with marshals and disposing of all the junk on the curb. The city allows these actions only when the weather is warm enough regardless of the mortgages and fees in arrears - plus a 48 hour time period to repossess any of the stuff left on the sidewalk. Whatever is not picked over by many interested parties is hauled away by the city. Later in the day a new homeowner arrived with a moving company to take possession of her new home - not the same place as the evictee, but nonetheless unsettling if you're not used to these things. Just one door away was a cement truck that was being used to install the material for a new walkway to the lovely townhouse. Then the large FedEx and UPS trucks made their usual rounds, and a catering vehicle was preparing for an event at the truckers association building. On top of that was baseball game congestion and workday hub bub. I don't ever recall seeing someone and their possessions removed, but it's not so unusual here. My husband loves the sights and sounds of an urban environment. Some of it I could do without. 

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