Saturday, December 12, 2020

Broken Worry Beads

I wasn’t there when it happened but I could hear the dismay at the other end of the house. The amber worry beads were scattered all over the floor. For whatever reason, the string broke after twenty four years. My husband got those beads when we visited Iran in 1996. He bought them at the bazaar near his old house where his father used to have a shop. He was always jingling his keys - which was rather noisy - so he tried a few strings of beads just to stay busy. Gradually the need for the beads subsided and this amber set was put aside to admire more than use. So we gathered them up and tried putting them back together. I looked for string, thread, wire - anything. But not even thread and needle would fit through the tiny holes of the beads. How on earth they were made in the first place was beyond us. It’s almost as if they were strung, then heated and melted shut. So the beads now sit in a baggie until we can figure out how to repair them. At least we have all the pieces. 

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