Thursday, December 17, 2020

Rear Window

It’s not exactly Rear Window, but the scene across the street reminded me of it. After the snowfall yesterday everything took on a different glow. The yellowed lights in the offices and time of the day seemed to showcase whatever was going on behind the glass windows, separated by horizontal and vertical lines of the building. The first thing I noticed was the Christmas tree. Then someone sitting at his desk, then another. Someone else was putting a mask on and heading out the door. A snow plow came by to clear up the icy, snowy streets - careful not to hit any of the parked cars. I can only imagine what the people over there see of the people living in our building. Usually I don’t pay that much attention, except in the evening when the lights become the focal point and draw your eyes to the activity. We much prefer having an office rather than a residential building across the street. Our doctor’s office is there but on the other side. At our age the convenience is everything. We closed on our house in that building too. So we have a connection to it. Maybe that’s why I find it more interesting - especially    in the evening on a snowy night. 

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