Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Happy Twentieth Birthday Grandson

It is a couple of days late, but I wanted to remember our grandson’s twentieth birthday. His first home was on Capitol Hill in a beautiful townhouse. You could say that he changed the trajectory of our lives. It was because of him and his family that we decided to move to Capitol Hill when he was three years old. His father - an army heart surgeon - would be deployed three times and we wanted a change of pace from the Midwest anyway. So we would be available when our son was away, but it seemed like a good idea. Never did we think we would end up swapping our 2500 square foot home to a 500 square foot condo just five houses down the street from them. To make things even more interesting, I ended up getting a job at the Library of Congress. So we watched our grandson grow up and it felt good being so close to family - even though we didn’t see them all that often. My husband was the back up baby sitter and he would be on call for whatever our daughter in law needed him for. But then our sim retired from the army and moved the family to central Virginia when our grandson was in middle school. It was never the same after that. In the end our grandson turned out to be a lovely fellow and will be a junior at UVA this year. For the third summer he is hosting white water rapid tours on the Hudson River. So happy birthday dear grandson! 

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