Friday, June 1, 2018

Dental Visit

I suppose it’s a good idea to be reminded that you are due for a dental check up. I usually ignore it until I get a second notice. Having had TMJ surgery, splints and mouth guards, root canals, many crowns and fillings, and a chipped front tooth from falling on the sidewalk - I don’t look forward to it. My dentist noticed a long time ago that I’m no stranger to the dental chair. So after the reminder to make an appointment, you get a follow up email reserving the date, and then a reminder the week before to confirm it. So when I went this week I always take prophylactic aspirin because of my jaw, and beforehand asked for an experienced hygienist because it makes a huge difference if you’ve ever had jaw surgery. I thought I might have an issue with a top molar, but it turned out being the inevitable tooth shifting one gets as one ages. For the first time in a while there were no issues that required a follow up visit or novacain. What’s most surprising is how people can afford the price of routine visits - close to $200. Multiply that by how many kids, husband, etc. Thank goodness we have insurance, but that only goes so far, including with the supplemental. Here’s hoping for a year without tooth issues. It’s about time. 

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