Saturday, November 4, 2023

The Red Fox

We usually see a variety of animals and birds in the neighborhood park - herons, fox, deer and other feathered friends. This morning we took a walk in the neighborhood rather than the park. Regardless of where we walk we always take a short ride in the car to either cool down or warm up before heading back home for brunch. Usually on Saturdays we head towards Palisades on Dolley Madison Parkway and then head to Glebe Road and Arlington. But something caught our eye today before we made the turn on to Old Dominion Drive - a red fox. We haven’t seen one for a while - in the park. So it seemed very unusual to see this one scampering about the neighborhood along the sidewalk. My husband saw a red fox by the Capitol building several years ago - so it’s not unheard of to see them about. In fact a year or two back a beautiful red fox was unfortunately hit by a car and was lying in the street. I’ve never seen one so up close as that one. Anyway this one was making its way down the street and then we noticed that he was having difficulty walking with his rear legs. I think he was probably hit by a car. That made us feel even worse because he would probably end up in trouble. A neighborhood dog took notice when he was spotted. I guess we’ll never know what will happen to the poor fellow. To be out in broad daylight along a busy street wasn’t a good sign. 

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