Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Family Pierogi Recipe

They don't exist in DC - Polish restaurants. In Milwaukee and Chicago they are quite common. There were a few in our neighborhood alone when we first lived there, but less now. And every year at the Lake Michigan Summerfest grounds, there is a Polish festival. We are planning a trip to the Midwest this summer and our friends asked us for my family's pierogi recipe.  I personally have not made them in over thirty years! We tend to buy the ready made versions in the grocery store or at the deli in Rockville. So I started digging around for the old hand written document that I created before I moved away from home. My mother talked, and I wrote. There really isn't much to it, but it does take a lot of time and hand work. I remember sitting with my mom from a very early age preparing the dumpling delights for Christmas Eve. We always had the potato and the cabbage/sauerkraut versions. I'm not sure if we will actually go through with it, but it could be fun if the husbands do all the handiwork. If not, we can always go to the restaurant in the neighborhood. It may not taste as good, but it would be a lot easier. It just wouldn't be the same. 

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