Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Scary Letter from Delaware DOT

When we first moved to DC thirteen years ago we got an automated driving speeding ticket near Bethesda. Luckily that was the only time. When we were driving through Lawtey Florida a few years back, we were stuck in a speed trap and paid the consequences. I filed my case with the Florida house and senate offices here in DC as well as the state of Florida representative because it is a well known problem. The office staff all knew about the issue. I received a follow up letter from the Florida State office saying they would address it. We still had to take a written test and pay a fine. So when we drove through Delaware to meet my sister for lunch in Cape May last month, my sister warned us about a speed trap. So when we saw that we would be getting a letter from the Delaware DOT on the USPS Mail preview, we were a bit nervous. My husband was worried about it all day thinking we got another speeding ticket. I wasn’t as concerned because I always like to worry AFTER I know the exact situation, rather than imagine what it might be. Finally when the letter arrived, we were both relieved to learn that it was for a pay toll. I vaguely remember that I may have missed a toll when we drove from Maryland to Delaware. We have an Ezpass device but it’s not stuck to the windshield and I have to hold it up every time we need to use it. My husband was asleep at the time and I just didn’t notice - but I sort of did. But by that time I did, it was too late. All I can say is that I’m glad the invoice was for $5.60 rather than some outlandish speed trap. Nevertheless it ruined our day! Now I need to find out from Subaru if you can hang the transponder next to the eyesight safety feature on the windshield. Then I won’t have to worry about missing another toll. 

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