Sunday, April 19, 2020

Kantek Acrylic Paper Towel Dispenser

As is with everyone else these days we are washing our hands several times a day. Rather than use the same dish rag or bathroom towel, we thought that having single paper towels would be a good idea. So I ordered a case of Kleenex single fold towels. To keep them in order, an acrylic container would be nice, so I found a Kantek dispenser. After spraying everything off with an alcohol solution on them and all the other packages and groceries we get, I soap and watered the containers. After drying out, one container was placed on the kitchen counter and the other one on the bathroom toilet tank. Even though the containers are a bit larger than needed, it does the job. Who would have guessed one would need this - or any other - stay at home cleaning element to ward off an ugly virus? For the first time since March 13 we took a ride in the neighborhood today after lunch to just get the car started and running for a bit. We wore our home made coffee filter masks and food processing gloves. It wasn’t anywhere near a joy ride. I was very happy to get back home and hibernate. 

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