Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Almost Got Killed in the Crosswalk

As we do every morning we headed out to the park for a morning walk. As we do every time we walk to the park we have to cross a very busy street - Dolley Madison Parkway. We changed our crosswalk many months ago to another one that was further away from the very busy intersection. Usually we have to wait a while for the cars to pass by. Oftentimes there are actually polite drivers who stop so we can cross safely. Today, not only did we wait for the traffic to pass, we entered the street knowing there was a car in the distance, only to see it actually speed up and coming much too close to us. Then the driver pulled down the window, and started cursing and yelling at us. Both my husband and I pointed at the yellow pedestrian warning sign. The idea is to slow down when you see pedestrians in the street - not speed up. He drove off in a huff and I was a bit shaken by his behavior. I should have taken a photo of his license plate. Anyway, it inspired me to look up the meaning of the sign - to be sure we were in the right. And of course we were. In DC these signs were everywhere and drivers seemed to abide by them. Here, on a very busy street, some people didn’t get the message. I don’t think that person learned a lesson and there’s nothing we can do about it. But my understanding is northern Virginia drivers are the worst. That point was proven today. 

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