Friday, December 4, 2020

Balcony Window Boxes and Christmas Greenery

All we need now are the little twinkling lights - if the rules and regulations allow. We went to American Plant to pick out our Christmas greenery - enough to fill the balcony “window boxes,” wall vase and plant console table. We haven’t put up a Christmas tree since we moved from the Midwest to Capitol Hill. Now we live in northern Virginia. I picked up a few sticks that were lying in the street in our neighborhood on one of our morning walks to add to the decor. Lastly, the “fake” red holly berries and pine cones that were saved from year to year make the planters pop. Already in the window boxes were pansies, liriope and English ivy. During the summer the coco lined window boxes - that are zip tied to the back of the patio furniture - face outward toward the street. But in winter, we turn the boxes towards us. Then, we can look at the arrangement while sitting in the living room. It makes sense to add a bit of sparkle to the greens by way of a string of lights. I’m still waiting to hear the verdict from the board. Already someone put a wreath on the door which I know isn’t allowed. So to be on the safe side I’m waiting for an answer. Living in a condo has its advantages, but you do need to abide by the rules. Regardless the Christmas decor looks pretty as it is and was fun to do. But there is something about the little white lights that is soothing. 

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